Technical Assistance

B2B Arts Navigation

Application support and outreach around the $50 million in recovery funding for the Illinois creative community.


In Spring 2023, thanks to the advocacy of Arts Alliance and a coalition of partners across the state, the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) led the B2B Arts program offering $50 million in creative recovery funding to sole proprietors and organizations across Illinois in need of financial relief from the impacts of the pandemic. Applications closed on May 10, 2023, and DCEO plans to disburse funds .

Arts Alliance Illinois served as a community navigator for B2B Arts, spreading the word about the opportunity and offering a help desk to help people apply for the grant and navigate the program.


While the program has concluded, Arts Alliance is keeping our resources available for ongoing reference.


Program Overview

Recorded March 31, 2023

Application Walkthrough

Recorded April 12, 2023

Application Walkthrough (Spanish)

Recorded April 12, 2023

Taxes & Accounting Deep Dive

Recorded April 19, 2023

Sole Proprietors Informational Webinar

Recorded May 5, 2023

Eligibility & Application Walkthrough

Recorded May 5, 2023

Outreach Materials

Need help navigating a current funding opportunity?

Learn more about the Alliance’s help desk.

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By supporting the Alliance, you're supporting the arts as a whole.

For every dollar donated to Arts Alliance over the last four years, we helped create over $278 in funding for the Illinois creative sector.