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Your contribution benefits artists and cultural organizations across the state by allowing us to:
new funding for the sector at the local, state, and federal levels.
programs that sustain and expand arts and culture in our communities and provide important resources to creatives.
the sector in understanding and navigating public and private recovery programs that impact them.
the sector to advocate to policymakers and funders for continuing recovery and revitalization efforts.
For every dollar donated to Arts Alliance Illinois over the past three years, we helped create over $278 for the Illinois creative sector.
Make a Donation
Select a donation amount below to get started. Recurring monthly donations extend the impact of your gift.
Please mail your donation to the following address:
Arts Alliance Illinois
200 W Madison St, 3rd Floor
Chicago, IL, 60606
Stock Gift
If you wish to donate stock, contact Kaitlin Donnelly, Senior Director of Development, at [email protected] or (312) 855-3105 ext. 103.
Arts Alliance Illinois never trades or sells donor information. All credit card payments made through this form are processed and managed securely by Arts Alliance Illinois and comply with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards.

Thanks so much for celebrating with us on Monday, May 13 at the historic Ramova Theatre! View photos, the digital program, and more via the button below.
Partners & Supporters
We are grateful to our government, foundation, and corporate partners, without whom the Alliance’s advocacy and programs wouldn’t be possible.
Foundations & Corporations
Individual Supporters
Ellyzabeth Adler
Mark Andrich
Richard Armandi
Richard Assmus and Leah Welty
Susan Ataman
Elizabeth Auman
Rex Babiera
Phillip Bahar
Jeanne Baranski
The PERT Foundation
Patrick Bitterman
Becky Blaine
Michelle T Boone
Kassandra Brezill
Bonnie Anne Brooks
Frank Brooks
Andrew Brown
Antoinette Burton
Phineas Callahan
Mimi De Castro
Maureen Clemens
Barbara Cooper and William J Nikola
Wendy Covich
Teresa and Lee R Cunningham
Lisa Dagher
Bernard and Sally Dobroski
Amy and Ira Dolnick
Michael Dorf and Maury Collins
Nicole and James Druckman
Christine T Dudley
Deanna Dunagan
Ron Duplack
Nicholas Ebel
Efroymson Family Fund
Julieanne Ehre
Susan Eleuterio
Marc Embree
Catherine Evans
Shelley Farley
Ann and Mark Fastert
Susan Feibus and Tom Geoghegan
Carla Feinkind
Sue Fink
Brooke Flanagan
Maggy Fouche
Kenton and Janet Foutty
Glenn Gabanski
Karen Gahl-Mills
Barbara Gaines
Bryna and Edward Gamson
Sally Gaskill
Bob Glaves
Sami Golani
Dedrea and Paul Gray
Judie Green
Katherine Grossman
Joan Gunzberg
Timothy Hamilton
Meyer & Raena Hammerman Foundation
Laughing Acres Family Foundation
Gary and Carol Hart
Dwight and Connie Helm
Rena Henderson Mason
Linda Henderson
Barbara Hendrickson
Joel Henning
Michael J. Hernandez
Lyndsey Holmes
Marlene Iser
Vaughn and Fritz Jaenike
Mary Clare Jakes and Philip Carrigan
Jentes Family Foundation
Katrin Johnson
Loretta Julian
Eva S Kelly
Christopher Kennedy
Cynthia Kirk
Douglas and Catherine Knuth
Peggy Kocian
Dolores Koenig
Patricia Koko
Kathy Kras
Gabriel Labovitz
Amylou Labruja
O. Victoria Lakes-Battle
Doug and Eileen Leunig
Marilyn Leyland
Elizabeth Liebman
Tracey and Andrew Lowenthal
Susan Manning and Doug Doetsch
Cookie Marks
Kate McCoy
Michael McStraw
Marcelle McVay and Dennis Zacek
Karen Meadows
Mary Michaelson
Janine Mileaf
Barry Mizock
Jessica Modica
Harvey Moshman
Clare Munana
Susan Noel
Cynthia Oliver
Timothy Ortmann
Jason Palmquist
Georga K Parchem
Bryan Perry
Stacy Peterson
Rhoda and Dan Pierce
Eligio and Ellen Pimentel
Sheila Pizer
Merril Prager and John Levine
Debbie Price
Gordon Quinn
Lionel Rabb and Vesna Stelcer
Arlene Rakoncay
Sheila and Louis Rice
Kathleen Rice
David Richert
Lohengrin Foundation
Nicholas Roman
Dennis Rossow
Susan J Rothchild
Mary Rous
Theresa Rouse
Kathy Rundell
Michael Rush
Lou Russo
Jack and Carolyn Schaefer
Spike and Marily Schonthal
Amy Schroeder
Dawn Schuette
Roche Schulfer
Kenneth Scott
Tony Scott-Green
Jessica and Jim Segal
Jon Seydl
Timothy Sherck
John Sherk
Kenneth Siegel
Scott Silberstein
Donna Smith
Rachel and Andy Sofish
Deborah Solomon
Vivian Lee Standifird
Rob Stoll
Ginny Sykes
Steven Szalaj
Mary L Ternes
Lori Theine
John and Elisabeth Tiessen
Bonita and David Turner
Alene Valkanas
Andrew Van Herik
Joanne Vena and Richard Graham
Andreas Waldburg-Wolfegg
Amy Waters
Mike and Barbara Watts
Kate Wester
AJ Wester
Benna and Hal Wilde
Linda Willis Fisher
Camille Wilson White
Cheryl Yuen and Thomas Chin
Alison Zehr