
Supporting Creativity in Illinois

Arts Alliance programs educate and convene creative individuals, organizations, and businesses across Illinois.

Current Programs

Liberation Learning

A space for cultural sector nonprofit workers to develop a shared analysis of power, racism, and community-driven work in Illinois, and through it build relationships of solidarity and mutual empowerment for anti-oppression work across our sector.

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Past Programs

B2B Arts Navigation

Arts Alliance served as a community navigator for $50 million in recovery funding from the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity by leading a partner network of over 70 organizations statewide and helping with every step of the application process.

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Arts for Illinois Relief Fund

Launched in 2020 in response to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the arts and cultural community in Illinois, Arts Alliance administered funds to connect artists with urgently-needed relief.

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One State

One State 2023 gathered leaders, practitioners, artists, and administrators from across the state for Conference & Capital Day.

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Vax to Get Back

In 2021 and 2022, 95 projects led by over 250 artists in 34 different communities across Illinois rallied around one message: get vaccinated.

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